Video 9
[Music] [Music] shantihi i salute mashudi shirashi krishna the son of vasudeva kangso and chanura the demon destroyer of demon kang and chad and the darling of the mother jason and the world teacher bhagavan sri krishna om shanti peace peace peace so we are in the sixth chapter of the first book and we are reading the narration of narada the great sage who was telling about his one own life's past story how he became who is now and he said that we heard we heard from him that he was hungry and thirsty and entered into a forest and there his body limbs was all tired and bathing and drinking in the forest stream then he started in that solitary forest where there is no trace of any human being i sat under a banyan tree he said and i began to meditate on the supreme being supreme being imminent in oneself as instructed by my teacher so my teacher instruction i followed and i started meditating in my heart the lord of the world now little by little see how he revealed himself in my heart as i meditated on the lotus feet with a mind rendered still in devotion so with devotion he was praying and meditating and it was the lord who compassionately revealed his divine presence in me slowly slowly and eyes brimming with tears born of intense aspiration that means refuse weeping the tears of joy or aspiring to reach him i have not seen you lord please appear with that type of earnestness not light our done now we also do meditate not that naruto was simply little more than that not only more better he's crying and weeping in the forest and meditating i have not seen you oh lord please please do something no and his eyes were full of tears and god revealed slowly to him with horrification all over my body generated by the intense love it was such an intense meditation that it went on by the whole body become full of hurriculation and mind was freed from all ooze and steep in bliss no anxieties no worries forget i'm in the forest how shall i eat who shall i bring who being food i was praying to bhagavan god with intensity and with love and the whole body was in hurricane i was marched in some of the what type of samadhi in which the dichotomy of the seer and the scene disappeared see people say vedanto is different bhakti is different the seer and the sin the dichotomy the two i and i am observer god is my beloved i started that way oh lord he appeared and how he appeared he appeared as the absorption in this duality getting merged into oneness that means advaita experience following the path of bhakti it does not take you in another place in another place so ramakrishna said he didn't quote this verse but he has experienced and he said that beautiful and if anyone asked what is that verse through tammany i make it earth master that means star means theta in the atman with the mind meditating on the atman and becomes saturated with the atman that means there is all other thing is dissolved into oneness so that type of experience happened i got up from my seat most distressed in mind and then when the form of the lord which thrills the mind destroys all sorrow suddenly disappeared from my eyes saw that it was as if absorbed into it and swaguna and nirna and then i saw his divine form and i was very happy and suddenly that appearance disappeared the god who was in the form and the formless suddenly disappeared and as a result i was totally lost no after such a high experience people fall into distress look at that ramakrishna also happened like that ramakrishna experienced the knowledge of the experience of the mother and first experience over he didn't feel okay everything is done he felt more separation and crying and weeping more intensely so he had narada also have the same thing i got up from my seat and most distressed in mind eager to have his vision once again i concentrated my mind in the heart my mind in the heart not here not there in the heart very important what to meditate in the heart and i tried that but i could not regain the vision anymore and i became anguish and frustration ah while i was thus driving again in that solitary place to aspirate my grief as it were the lord who is beyond all words spoke the following words in a voice with but sweet and powerful language what he said in this birth of yours allah you are not eligible to have my vision penis you got good but you are not going to get second time in this body so then another body you have to get that's why the lord said that in this birth of yours allah you are not eligible to have any more vision i cannot be seen by yogis who are not completely free from passions of the heart and you oh you are sinless oh sinless one oh narada my form was revealed to you just once to increase your longing for it that's the point why this vision came it gave you to have more longing as there is a song [Music] in a beautiful song oh lord as close i go near to you you received from me little further a little further and i am struggling to reach you and you are playing with me and you are trying to i recede so this play pura vinami pura manatomi i will be endless you will be endless because i am infinite you are infinite where shall i get you i am there you are there so i and you become one so that is the language there in the song here also the voice said one the yogis are who are sinless they see me and abandoning this impure body of yours this body how it is impure still i do not know he has realized god and god vision has happened horribilisation has happened and he is totally charged in god consciousness no absorbed into it that's also why you have to get another body money to live in that high platform your body should be extremely what you call equipped to absorb those high emotions like ramakrishna body is not embody ordinary body no though it looks like a body because to take so much high charges of spiritual currents samadhi this samadhi that's how many types of visions experiences body will shatter this body rajasan tamas because it is it becomes pure though by prayer and meditation but to constantly run hundred 1000 volt current to a ordinary wire 10 10 volt 6 volt [Laughter] capacity 4 volt you know for the world teacher because naruto will have to sing the glory all all through the time that's why his body this body will not allow him to be in that mood so that's why as i understand because you get the body when you get that vision body becomes pure but this type of if you want to stay in that higher realm then you need a different type of body we can understand after ramakrishna passed away all of the direct disciples of ramakrishna they had their god vision is it not they are their experiences but how much sadhana they did to purify to purify and live their life intense period of sadhana in varanagar monastery alam major monastery wandering monk in himalayas there there that to do good to the world with that body continuously that's a different type of need but ordinary person they can get that experience come down and leave so long seeing god everywhere one time not to be the preacher of the world naruto is a rank different rank his mission like vivekananda for the mission of the whole world for the good of humanity so they have to live long time timeless period so naruto even now is there singing somewhere all information and doing god's work all the time and that's his joy and singing the glories of god no we can do god's work but we know i am doing my work how much we say god's work but my eye comes up but when it will be totally doing work and no i but only god that is like we began on the right person that's why within the short period vivekananda did such tremendous transformation in the whole world thought process is it not the how and he said i will not stop even now i shall be it may be remember that what it may be vivekananda it may be that i shall cast this off this body like an old ornament garment one tattered cloth or shot i throw everybody but i shall not cease to work i shall inspire men everywhere until the whole world shall know i am one with god so he is in mission now in a subtle way going to govinda going to dinner nuts and going to the heart of what you call all these devotees hey get up get up get up oh is it oh is it okay some inspiring everywhere until how long he will inspire until the world shall know that miss each one of us will complete our experience know that i am one with god so it is his mission so they have no that's why ordinary sadhu goes as mukti because after realization he leaves so long jivan mukta and when the death of the body falls he becomes mukhtar permanent jivan mukta becomes permanent mukto not to be born but rabbi vegan has no mukti he will have to work now even now after he does not want to do work here now he has to do all there so these are the category of naruto so for that reason probably that is my and my way of thinking i may be so abandoning this impure body of yours you will become an attendant of mind as your mind has firmly been established in me to the service of the holy men through for a period short period you did so much service to the holy people by that your some pure body has been created now you will be again born with a pure body and and now you'll be merged with me but again when i come again you will be manifesting yourself nothing can distract your intellect that has been established in me by my blessings this conviction and recollection of yours shall not be obliterated even in such a cosmic catastrophe so this experience will not go away you will be able to always remember this evening and this experience but you are get another body to have constant recollection now we read from 26 what 26 says bodilies but yet manifesting himself as sound through akash i heard this voice there is no body i don't see any human personality but it is a voice some people can understand i shall be a voice without form see the exact language i shall be a voice without any form here 26th verse says bodiless but yet manifesting himself capital h as sound through akash or in space that great being the lord of all now stopped having said this much but no more sound this much i heard stop and i was thus the object of divine mercy bowed my head in salutation before that being whose transcendent greatness surpasses everything great by human standard so achieving my pride jealousy and other passions of the heart i abided the approach of the end of my lifespan engaging myself meanwhile in loudly proclaiming the names of the infinite being without any sense of shame in constantly remembering the sanctifying and mysterious doing of the lord and in wandering from place to place free from sorrow and joy in all situations of life so so long he was in the physical body he started doing preaching this message of god the divine glory of the lord as you see exactly you are reading vivekananda life after rama with ramakrishna having all this ecstasy then trying to meditate and about no you will have to do mother's work no [Music] no i cannot do well you know your bone will do okay so stay on and okay he did and told his disciples and see that he does not remember his real nature then he will give up the body but he gave up the body at 40 39 years six months something after that he before his death he says i will be continuing my job see is it not exactly narada narada was in the human body and he got the experience then he heard the voice he will not see me in this body you will have to another pure body and there you will remain in that that means in the subtle body will remain and in that higher plane all the time but you will be doing the glory of the lord so he did that in this narada did that in the waking and he continued till the body falls oh holy one he's talking to holy one is who who is the only one he's talking to the pariksit oh holy one to me whose pure mind was thus steeped in the contemplation of krishna excluding all worldly desires death came all of a sudden one day and naruto in his life he said one day death came and like a stark of lightning appearing in the sky a blazing light came and this body when that bhagavati tunu the divine body of sattva quality fit for the service of the eye fit for the service of the lord you need a bhagavati to know god's work is very difficult to do unless body mind and soul is so pure who can do the best to work for the lord which machine is good which mission works according to the will of the god of the master as he wants our machines are like we have our ego we have our buddhi they say i will do this way god says do this way but my ego i will do this way what is this and in engaging into work i forget god and do what my ego says and all that is not god's work god's work will be totally perfect annihilation of ego so that called bhagavatitanum the divine body so sudden body for the fit for the service of god was generated in me and my body of the gross material elements fell dead on the exhaustion of that quantum of my karma responsible for the previous embodiment prayer of the karma this body which i got due to my past life's action and in which life i heard all this divine voice and all these things ultimately dropped one day and a pure sudden body bhagavati that was generated and this whole body is dead gun that means this gross body was left and the subtle body in the subtle pure body he lived now verse number 30 on page 26 of the bhagavatam this book what are we reading at the end of the creative cycle when everything was withdrawn into the causal say this creation was going on hinduism idea it it is involution and evolution the world as you see gets involved into god and there and then evolves from god that's called creation and destruction destruction does not mean loss destructively withdrawal into the cause and from cause again everything comes all again every day what happens our day is involved into dream dream to sleep and in sleep there is nothing of the outside world no and then from that when you woke up what happens it springs from total dissolution for me there is no world when i was sleeping no dream no nothing the creation is zero for me is it not every night when all of us go to sleep if for you the creation is zero creative world is not there but when you woke up everything springs up how cause to subtle to call gross street it was hiding something it springs up like a like a spring you watch the spring of the watch pull it out it becomes stressed out and you release then what happens it goes and merges into that one millimeter point one millimeter thin thing that's the carano that's the cause very little so much universe gone so that situation the whole universe because it is individual sleep no and when god goes to sleep what will happen individual sleep my world goes into void into a causal form similarly god who has created this universe he goes to sleep what will happen the whole creation is withdrawn and then again he wakes up everything comes out so when the dissolution that mr narayana went into a deep sleep and then the whole creation was marched in him and i was also merged there and when he again woke up again the whole universe came out and i also came up so that is the idea at the end of the creative cycle when everything was withdrawn into the causal condition the supreme narayana floating lay floating in the cosmic slumber on the causal water that's why in hindu concept you'll find that there is a big snake and with wood stop no and you'll find that narayana is lying there in sleep this is a symbolic idea the whole creation water water water water that's why the concept of deluge when creation is destroyed it is called everything will be delused under water new york will go into water the los angeles will go under water very soon a hundred thousand years by that time we may die 50 years we will not be alive there he some people will remain of course anyhow my point the concept you know even today when you say it will be all dissolved it's all water so he is giving the idea the cosmic dissolution when it happens so the whole universe goes to the causal form and when the lord narayana who is the cosmic god who creates this universe and absorbs and sustains so that narayana lay floating in the cosmic slumber our individual summer it is a cosmic slumber cosmic sleep on the causal water causal sea capital water w capital and not small pool cost me some whole not earth all these stars galaxies everything is gone this is the whole university gross universe all consumed into him and it's all water water water everywhere and narayana is lying there sleeping is personalizing the creative universe [Laughter] maybe may not be i don't know yeah but description is like that i too was withdrawn into him so i narada was also withdrawn why did i go into him true brahma who sought rest in him brahma also went into him so brahma vishnu myself but your visnu is glorified because there is no book this book is business is the highest god so brahma also enter into vishnu other god will say brahma is the creator vishnu also entered into him but anyhow why it matters little for us so these are mythological stories sometimes we don't understand but there may be some sense we have to take the inner significance of it that means whole creation enter into the great personality cosmic eye and after the lapse of how many not one year two years we sleep how many we sleep how many hours five seven hours eight hours no and he will sleep for how many days he will sleep only thousands of divine years what is divine year one hour one year there one day so our teens 365 years will be there one year 365 years of us is only one year and he lives for 100 years termina how long is that span just giving a big idea of time everything was in dissolved in that form for such a long time because the lord is sleeping okay so whole world is sleeps he wakes up the lord comes out everything comes out we all come out after the lapse of thousands of divine years brahma the divine yes brahma how much is the year how many years it will tell us the how many years 365 human solar yes i told you one one hour one year is one day only so if one dies someone know last 10 years and if i die now after 10 years i will meet him there because only 10 days for them 10 day he is waiting he will be there for 100 years just to com relative time is relative no that's the problem what what is the sign of time and someone asked einstein what is the time why what is your theory of relativity what he says what what what is the answer of einstein one student asked him sir what is how how do i understand your theory of relativity that's a major gulp he said that if you have a lover you sit with your lover and talk for one hours and hours you will think that it is only few minutes and you don't like something and you are put into that situation even five minutes will appear to be hours and hours so that is the time is relative and numerically time is the same but the feeling is so different so that time is really relative human human time and forefathers time god did deities time those were gods then the supreme god they're all in different level time [Music] our two-minute dream appears to us as a whole night we are dreaming is it not or most of the dream oh i am dreaming last night long dream at a long time nothing according to this psych psychologist maybe few seconds no but it appears such long so let's say after the last of thousands of divine years brahma woke up and again started the creative activity when out of brahman i too immersed our along with the rishis and i also came out i narada came out when god created me that's why in the shankara's commentary it is written sasha bhagavan that bhagavan and this then first created murica in edition sisterha they created at the same time the sages like mauricio and others then miss narada also was created with his creation because to show people the path of perfection to take the path of the world and to take out of the path of that ignorance then i who am devoted to the uncompromising observance of the vows of continence have been endowed with maha visnu's grace i have been endowed with the grace of the lord vishnu narayana with the power to go about i have been comfort the power that i can go about anywhere i like in heaven in any heaven anywhere to any person everywhere within the three worlds what are the three worlds bhur bhuba swah bhu means the earthly planet bhuva interspace and heaven and other areas so you have easy access to go and station anywhere and give and sing the glories of god i was given i the narada was created with the wish of maha vishnu narayana and then i was conferred with this power that i can go to the three worlds at will and everywhere within the three worlds as also beyond it to the transcendental realm that means ramakrishna said no the king to the king or the inner circle people they can go to the inner inner apartments no and to the inmost so they can go anywhere they have free access but a guest outsider they will be only carried up to the parlor where there is a meeting place so you call the living room they are allowed to go up to living room but most intimate people they can come come to my room and they can take to his room bedroom so bedroom no one can go but only very close people can go guest people can go up to certain level so naruto is a person very close to god so he has been conferred with the power that you can go to the earth anywhere in other heavenly spheres and beyond anywhere 33 verse playing on the beena he has given a single strength instrument that's called veena given by the lord a lot narayana gave me a beena that's why this string does not break you know with the string all the time you have to change the string no in a guitar string or whatever string tan pura the single string or multi-string instrument so but god has given so i need not have to change it continues what is this why it comes in between every day this is what why did you jj what is that one therefore playing on the beena given by the lord himself and possessing the power of automatically producing the various musical notes i go about the world singing in tune the excellence of the lord my purpose is nothing but to please god to glorify god so i go anywhere and i sing the glory of god to invoke spirituality in them 34 when his excellencies are sung he the supreme lord of endearing fame and sanctifying fit makes his presence felt in my heart when i sing the glories of god it makes my heart filled with joy i sing for others but it helps me more this is the science of spirituality we think i am giving lecture for you that will not bear any fruit in any permanent effect it is i am doing for myself i am enjoying it then it becomes useful so he said when i used to sing the glories of the lord when his excellencies are sung he the lord the supremely holy lord of engineering fame whose fame is limitless and whose his feet thinking of his feet you can sanctify yourself sanctifying feet makes his presence felt in my heart when i sing i feel that the lord's feet in my heart as he promptly responding to a call by one's name as soon as i call someone as he will appear so i call upon the god's name and sing his glories and he appears in my heart the description of the lord's deeds and attributes is the one means a veritable boat to cross the ocean of sancharo for those who are rendered miserable by the desires of the saints objects that is 35 verse so what those who are tormented by the desires as we are and hundreds of thoughts and desires so for them as soon the description we think about the glories of the lord his pastime his his spiritual deeds and actions that's called the leelah shintan we meditate god in three ways this is called the leela lila means divine sport as you read gospel and when you read gospel and now sit quietly and think on the passage what you read that ramakrishna sitting in the shore in this small couch and then your aim came he saluted and said no ramakrishna questioning this and he's singing a song he still stood up he's dancing like this just imagine this is called lilila divine sport if this type of thought is carried in the heart then what happened that our desires gets purified lower types of tendencies will be gone will be purified so he says men who are constantly now the description of the lord's deeds and attributes is the one means there are many means but this is all one means it's like a boat to take the cross the ocean of sanctuary the world for those for whom who are rendered miserable by the desires for saints of jesus in the world who was really miserable not satisfied running after the things of the world men who are constantly pestered by passions like lost and greed are never pacified so effectively and readily by yogic disciplines like yama and nyama as by the service of the lord you can do practice of joe moniama that is the yogic practice yogic practice eight eight full practice no yamanyama asana pranayama pratyahara dharuna pratha hara dharuna danadi you can follow that path but here naruto says they can get a quick success quick development if they take this path of devotion and think of the glories of the lord in the heart actually i think they say there is a justification when you try to do drama or pra and following the restraint distress and that distance as much as you try to restrain they make a fight back no what i want to go there why illustrate like a child no and they will find an opportunity whenever these children are asked to read a study and mom gives hey now you have to read no no twice anymore no no no no no no no i said no no i'll read and as soon as he studies within a split second he tries to go again play so the mind is like that mind always runs to run here and there though we try to meditate no but in this path bhakti you sit and think allow your mind to play hey go to the okay see that this door towards the dakshin man makali's temple this is the door towards the ganga this is the door towards the naha this is a door just imagine the room condition see your mind wants to run you are giving food to the mind mind will go and observe all the that's okay you are not saying hey mind sit here don't go anywhere no no no you go now you go here and they are there they are there and then you see a sing and dance with ramakrishna and now you are going to the uh or the bakula and going to the pine groves area or coming back or she is sitting maim is following just keep the mind engaged in all type of thought what will happen you are doing jama and nyoma you are avoiding the troubles of drama and yuma bhakti yoga in this way to lila lila dhanam is another good method for god realization yes oh that you see now you can yeah read from some description or you can imagine no no no no you can see pasadena you can remember swamiji came swamiji was sitting here swamiji was in the upstairs he is coming down like that and this thing happened here somebody went to the shakespeare club that road is there and the shakespeare hall that club where he lectured is there huh you can think so many ways or imagine as i read the gospel even you don't have seen you see there is a map given sketch given so you think oh this is the place like that ganga is flowing this way that's imagination main purpose is that your mind is being guided by you not you are guided by your mind you are taking advantage of the mind and putting him to work hey think this way think that way so he gets tuned to that and even if his imagination right or wrong but you are keeping him engaged in the lord's thought but if someone has seen it is easier that's why going to pilgrimage he said it is like chewing the card the cows eat as much as they can no when they are grazing when they find grass they eat as much as they can and when they come back and nothing to do sitting and then bring out that and chew it again again again that means when you go to any holy place you absorb all the information when you come back and sit then try to think about that and feel say you go to risley you go to residency this is the hall swamiji was standing here this is the photograph taken from here i can imagine huh western porch where there is a shine beautiful perch and there's some maybe we can understood there cemetery and understanding in this country also there are many places associated with this wakana and the other disciples so one can think of those things to purify the heart that will know less than your patanjali's yoga practice that's why bhakti-patis in reply to your questions i have narrated to you all the secrets about my origin and my deeds for your satisfaction and edification now sutra said suta is the narrator he now says after conversing dash with byaso the sage narada was free from all self-centered plans and poses moved on from there singing the lord's name to the accomplishment of his beena remember where this discussion was going on on the bank of the river saraswati the bash was meditating but mind was restless he was not finding peace not others suddenly appeared there because he is endowed by vishnu to go anywhere he likes so to help baso he appeared then and created this his instrumental for creating this huge treasure house of spirituality and he appeared there and he then naruto talk this is a discussion between narada and vyasa so long we read now suto the narrator is describing thus this narada talked with bhasa on the bank of the river and saraswati and then he left because his purpose is done he is to ignite the spirituality in others and his purpose so it says after conversing thus with baso it says narada who was free from all self-centered plants and poses moved on from there singing the lord's name to the accompaniment of his beena he does not need another driver he can go wherever he wish he has your own subtle body he can move here to there blessed is that this divine says narada who says suta says blessed is this narrator saying blessed is this divine says narada for singing to the accompaniment of his beena the single instrument about the excellencies of the lord he himself is ever inability with divine love and he enlivens the joy the hearts of beings distressed by the woes of the world so that is the greatness of what you call the bias that he is free soul he only moves for the good of others and he had this discussion with vyasa and then he left now the seventh chapter ten minutes are there we can read if you have any question get ready then we'll we can stop when questions start coming otherwise i'll read another 10 minutes so the 7th chapter now foreign he says sanako said what he said what did the great and holy says vasa do when narada had departed after giving him advice this is a question no you said that then naruto left and bhagavan bash was meditating what he did after that he started meditating or did something so that description is now coming verse number two suto bhaju it is the narrator starts taking talking what he says brahmana yang so this is the verse number 2 and 3 2 says suta the narrator says on the western bank of the saraswati river which is the sort of main holy which is the resort of many holy men there is a specially sacred spot called some samya prasa what is that swamiya plus the name name of the place swamiya most suited for the spiritual retreat so he is giving an example that the basal then there is on the bank of the river so on the western side of the bank of saraswati there was a resort where only holy people sit there meditate there pray there so that was most spirit suited for spiritual retreat sitting in his asthma at that spot beautified by the groups of baaduri tree the sage basho entered into samadhi after observing the pewdie factory rights there that means the best the composer of this bhagavata he then entered it is not that he started writing something out of his mind no he started meditating so these are products of meditation that is the pro money beauty of this scriptures spiritual text we write books no if someone wants to write books he will take 10 books and collect all these and read this read that read that reference this book page number 210 this week volume this number this and compose something he is not that is not the earlier style of writing this spiritual text so vastly then in his mind purified and made concentrated through divine love he had the perfect vision of supreme being and the power of maya dependent on him so he made it he started doing samadhi practice of meditation and as such a developed holy person blessed them is because it is purified and made concentrated to the divine love he had the perfect vision he had the vision of whom supreme being that means the lord and the power of maya depended on him it is by the power of maya that jiva though he is in reality the free spirit mistakenly considered himself as body the product of the three gunas and invites all the sufferings of the life of samsara so he has the vision of the supreme lord god and also maya and this maya for ordinary people like us makes us forget about our divine glory and makes us engage in the world so here he also realized that the panacea for these sufferings caused by avid ignorance generating aspect of maya is devotion to the lord so how can you cross maya by having devotion to god so vaso knows that that illumine says therefore composed the bhagavata puranam known also as the satatto sanghita it is another name samhita this book's name is sa tatwa sanghita remember sanghita it is bhagavat but another name is of devotion for the benefit of man for the good of what why why he not only for bastards he don't enjoy but he composed it for the man graveling in the ignorance of his spiritual nature to teach him that bhakti is the one means by which the darkness of ignorance can be dispelled and the spiritual glory of the jiva restored we can get back to our spiritual glory that's the bhakti path can take and he started composing this so meditated god appeared along with maya but this maya is helping bias to compose this maya binds us in ignorance but for baso because his lord is pleased no if the lord is pleased everyone is pleased so when narayana appeared before him so maya sakti also came but maya became a helper for the good of humanity so that others like people like us can get beyond maya so this book this text or the bhagavata has been composed even by starting its study or by listening to it the mind of man develops bhakti is that what we are doing now this verse says seventh verse seventh chapter seven verse says even by starting its study or by listening to it the mind of men develops bhakti devotion to the supreme lord and which destroys all the sorrows infatuation and fear if one with love and devotion listens to this it creates devotion in the heart which can destroy all our suffering all our infatuation and fear what then to speak of devoted application to study or hearing if one does with much devotion what will happen it will happen much more even one does not do anything just listen to it it will generate little devotion in their mind but one who is consciously for making an effort to listen to read this book study this book and then meditate on that with love and devotion surely it will do greater effect after composing the bhagavatam and carefully visibly revising it the sage taught it to his son sukha so this was composed by then whom bhasa and revised it any correction addition alteration and then after that he taught this entire bhagavata to his son shuka and then suka told this entire story to parikshit and parikshit's conference room there was this suta the narrator was sitting there he heard it he gave this entire memory to his future narrator and that narrator is telling me so it is going like this this this but message is the same message what was experienced by baso so this is the verse number eight and nine will start next day okay nine parts will start how when why should learn the bhagavata the question is that why sukadeva make an effort to learn this it was necessary why did he do so it is nine verse we'll start soon one no no one seven nine one dot seven dot nine will start we finished eight um yeah they are there only for that purpose that's why they don't have any freedom they have no mukti because they are responsible for helping the humanity so it is not ordinary jiva will be happy if they get mukti like us no but this great world teachers they are they are not at all free to get this because it's not so easy and because they will have to purify the whole world um and this is the thing yes so one question is not leela dhanu contrary to this statement yogacity needed where do we draw the line between imaging in lila dhanu and stopping thought bubbles in yoga yes that's true it is the question is that when you are not to mix up two philosophies if you say follow this yoga path you do that path and then there will be all little vibrity no britti make it bitty free no ripple no wave in the mind lake make it all clean as yoga cheetah nirodha yoga is nirodha or restraining of the british the ripples and waves in the mind lake follow that but when you are trying to follow that path even that you are thinking ultimately of what many thoughts how to drive away other thoughts and yoga sutra says any other thought comes drive away and there are methods of driving away but here it is we are taking the bhakti path we are thinking of god you british nirodha is the ultimate state but people start with sambriti you think of your reach to devota is it not bretti but it is devobrity not other british but one bitty of god and then that british will also end so when disturbed mind is there then it can be leading to the equivity you are thinking of ramakrishna ramakrishna's all divine play what will happen then ultimately it will end in ramakrishna and then your mind will be stationed in ramakrishna to meditate upon that but if you want that only yoga path then you follow the path he said that's also path but if you want to take advantage of your disturbed mind to rest and to arrest it and guide it you can take advantage of that so we can take advantage of that and ultimately yoga cheetah is the last stage when your breathing is perfectly needed then they witness who is seeing the breathy ripples i am meditating i am seeing in my mind breath is no and all these british will then wipe out and i will remain in my divine self so that will come ultimately but we are talking about our present condition in which our mind is restless mind those mind is very concentrated they can follow the steps given in the yoga path but those who are in devotion they can take advantage of yoga path also that's that means it is not in one moment automatically this is then thinking of one idea one spiritual entity your mind becomes colored in one way one way one wave one wave and that one wave will ultimately is all distractions gone if it is one and that one will also dissolve automatically so that is the yoga path so it is a help to yoga path to control the mind when it is running in 10 direction so that way it can help us your question that imaging in lila dhanu stopping thought bubbles in yoga if stopping thought bubbles will come at the climax point but we cannot do it at the beginning but anyhow if you have to follow the yoga path follow that path but bhaktipat can help us in the yoga path also so that you can bring one idea about god and god and god only god's leela that's a lilad now as you said rupadano rupa dhanu thinking of the form of the divine krishna rama buddha whatever is your meditation mother kali or shiva so meditate on that meditate on that again and again make the make the divine form in your heart no so this is one british being that bretty britt means ripple of the divine as we do our every it's called a rupadhana if that's why we say if you cannot meditate watch keep your eyes open and see your wrist and close try to feel that means you are making one breathy instead of barrier thoughts but if you cannot do that then you can take this advantage of this path for some time and when mind becomes concentrated then you focus on your risk to devata if it is krishna krishna it is rama rama it is ramakrishna ramakrishna do that and focus there focus there and then then take this path ripple will automatically be rippling free another question are naruto and bhagavata considered suit years meeting no though this is astro shruti bhagavatam is merci sastra shruti is the upanishads shrutis are there is talking about the absolute brahman one without a second and all these things all these called upon bhagavata falls under this metis astra okay so our questions are done so we will see you next at 7 30 pm class on [Music] too you